Friday, June 19, 2009

Rae Family ... The Beginning... to Now

Emma Rae is created as my first SIM in YEARS! So I quickly get back into things. Yes most my toons look somewhat like me (or my husband) unless they are game created of course. And after a little while, I discovered the wonderful world of cheats, and started using them somewhat to make my SIMS life a little less stressful and more more enjoyable. After all, can you really enjoy the SIMS when you have to go to work most the day and it takes you a half hour to pee? Time is PRECIOUS! When you can do nothing but work and meet your SIMS needs, what fun is it?

So Yes, I use cheats. Get over it!

Emma got reddish brown hair, and the traits of Lucky, Good Sense of Humor, Hopeless Romantic, Bookworm, and Family-Oriented.

Anyway, before I started using the cheats, Emma got a journalism job, because your life wish is to be a Professional Author. I figured it fit.

Then she met Leighton. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh Leighton. And their story begun.

See, Emma was desperate to woohoo .. she hadn't woohoo'd since moving to Sunset Valley. Emma met Leighton at some party, and then he called her, much to her surprise. She thought, WONDERFUL!! I can get some action!

So Emma invited Leighton over, thinking he was awful cute with his bad boy rocker looks.

He accepted! YAY!!!

And then, he showed up with his son Sam.

Emma did something she didn’t quite expect so soon after moving to Sunset Valley. She instantly feel love.

So she asked if he was single, expressed her interest in him, and then after some flirting (okay a lot of flirting) … she asked him to go steady and then they woohoo’d. WHEW … was a woohoo relief! She needed that release.

Emma and Leighton went on a few dates, toured the theater together. They’d meet at the park.

Then she started wanting a baby. Every time they talked, it was brought up by both of them. So, she decided since he wasn’t taking initiation, she’d ask him.

So she got down on one knee and proposed to him.

Leighton, of course being as in love with Emma as she with him, said yes!

They quickly had a private wedding and Leighton moved in. Sam was still with his mom. So after the wedding, they immediately started to try for a baby.

And they were blessed with Liam.

Deciding that it was time to increase their house size, they started to put additions onto Emma’s tiny trailer, and pretty soon it turned into a big house. The Trailer was the Dining Room, Kitchen, Bathroom, and Emma & Leighton's room and that's it. The rest, they added on.

Their neighborhood

Leighton started to miss his son Sam. So at Liam’s birthday party, he invited his mom over hoping she’d bring Sam. But she didn’t. They got into a big fight in the back yard, and something horrible happened. Leighton’s mom died, right there, next to the swing set.

Ooooooooooh no!!!

They expected Sam to come to them (somehow) and searched around town for him, but couldn’t find him. For years they would search. Checking houses at night when people were home, hoping Sam would be there.

But there was no luck.

Emma and Leighton went on with their lives. Emma staying home writing books, following her dream, and Leighton advancing in his athletic career.

After Liam they had twin boys, Brayden and Phillip. Then another set of twin boys, Xander and Caleb. Then their SIXTH BOY, Max.

(Xander - awake and hungry - Caleb -cow skin bed - and Liam sleeping)

Liam, Brayden and Phillip had all grown up. Brayden and Phillip decided to move out, and across the street.

After moving out, Phillip went across the street… and met the neighbor. Her name is Erin Kennedy and she has a little boy named Vicente. Well apparently they got along rather well because Phillip came over and told his mother and father that Erin was expecting his child.

Oh my!

My first GRANDCHILD!!! How exciting!!

Shortly after, Emma found out she, too, was expecting. Oh my oh my!

So, a few days later she went over to visit Erin and Vicente, with her youngest son Max, to see how they were getting along, with her being so pregnant, and much to Emma’s shock, Erin went into labor. So while Erin labored Emma took care of Vicente and Max. And then it happened, Emma’s first GRANDSON was born. labored in her living room, with various people coming by and ringing her doorbell, Emma took care of Vicente.

Awwww… Erin named him Ramin.

Emma tried to invite Phillip over to see his son, taking Ramin outside. But Phillip kept walking away, apparently he and Erin were no longer getting alone, and Emma started to see why. The first thing after Ramin was born, Erin was letting anyone who came over (mostly guys) in and was dancing with him. Sure Emma was making sure the babies needs were taken care of, but she couldn’t stay there. She was pregnant herself! So while Erin partied away, Emma changed, fed and cuddled both Ramin and Vicente one last time, and took Max home – leaving Erin dancing away. Emma was sad, she couldn’t even put the babies in cribs, Erin had none. Where did the babies sleep?

Emma had her baby, or should I say babies!?!

Finally, after 6 beautiful boys, Emma welcomed her first girls into the house.

Twin girls, SophieRose and VictoriaLily.

Yay!! Pink babies!!

Emma with Sophie

After the girls turned into Toddlers - Sophie is in the crib and Victoria on the floor

So Emma went over to try to talk to Erin about Ramin and ask her to please let her see him, and Phillip to see him. Ya know a Mom, she's got to butt in. Erin was totally avoiding answering the door. But she was spotted through the window with Vicente! So Emma ran the bell a bunch of times, didn't stop. She was standing there ringing the bell from 5am to 10am. Now, at some point Erin came out with Ramin, put him on the ground for 2 seconds, yelled at Emma for ringing the bell so much, but then scooped Ramin back up and stormed back into the house, returning to completely ignoring Emma being at the door ringing the bell.
So after talking to Phillip about it, Phillip decided to seek custody, and he won! So Ramin moved in with Phillip and his uncle Brayden.

Then something else wonderful happened! Emma found Sam!!! He had been adopted by a nice African-American family who lived by the ocean, and she immediately asked him if he wanted to move in with his brothers and get to know his long last family, and he did!

So now Brayden, Sam, Phillip and Ramin live across the street from their parents and siblings. Liam had invited his girlfriend Kaylynn to live in the house with them. He wanted to wait to woohoo until they got married.

Here they are having a family dinner ... Emma is on the left, then clockwise you have Kaylynn, Caleb, Liam, Xander and Leighton in his purple work suit

Of course, Liam and Kaylynn almost made it, but couldn't...

Just after all that happened, Liam threw a party on the beach, asking everyone to dress up all fancy. At the end of the party, he took his long time girlfriend Kaylynn Langerak on the beach by the ocean, and asked her to marry him. She of course said YES!!

Pic of the Party where he proposed ... if you can over on the right side of the photo, there is a lady in purple holding VictoriaLily... that's Erin Kennedy, Ramin's mom. To celebrate their engagement. Liam and Kaylynn went to the graveyard and decided to go through the catacombs under. This is how Kaylynn came out looking... oh my!! Then this young ghost came to chat, and at first, Kaylynn was hesitant, but after what she had just been through - why the heck not!?!? Then Liam came out looking just as bad as Kaylynn. They did a quick remodel on their house, Emma thinks it looked like trailer trash (because it started off as a trailer, they just did additions to it.) She still wants to do some more remodling to it.

Then they invited all they could for a wedding on the same beach. It was a beautiful day. The family of course was gathering first. Emma is in the red, Liam is standing by Sophie and Victoria is infront of Emma. Xander is talking to Max (in the white), and Phillip is next to Ramin (on the ground) but is walking away with Caleb to go play some football. Leighton had a game he had to go to, and Brayden had to work. The bride didn't arrive until just the ceremony, she was getting her hair and nails done, and getting dressed.

Emma and the family went home and found Leighton’s mom walking around the house. She watched Leighton practice guitar and then went to take a nap upstairs.

Now they moved to a house over looking the same beach that they got engaged and married at, and are expecting their first child! Sam found out when he happened across Kaylynn at the park when he was searching around trying to meet some women. They were playing chess and Kaylynn got up and ran off to the bathroom because she was sick. Oh poor Kaylynn.

Honeymoon Woohoo!!! Boy don't they look pleased with themselves? Some of their views of the beach where they were engaged & married Liam making drinks for him and his brand new bride to celebrate their brand new house Kaylynn playing a computer game Kaylynn jumping up from the chess game with Sam, sick as a dog... Expecting more Grandkid(s) soon!!

So here is the run down of the family ....

Leighton & Emma Rae
(from left to right) Brayden Rae, Phillip Rae & Sam Rae (Sam is the Oldest of all the kids, he's Leighton's from a previous relationship, Brayden & Phillip are twins who came after Liam) Ramin Kennedy ... busy chewing on the hammer for the xylophone (Phillip's son with Erin Kennedy - Emma & Leighton's Grandson) Liam & Kaylynn Rae

Xander Rae & Caleb Rae
Max Rae
VictoriaLily Rae & SophieRose Rae

Stay tuned for the announcement of Emma & Leighton’s next grandchild!! Will Emma & Leighton have more babies? If Emma has any say in it, they will, she wants more. Will Brayden, Phillip and Sam find nice women? Will Xander and Caleb graduate high school with honors? Will Max enjoy school as much as his brothers? Will Sophie and Victoria be the babies of the family???

So we leave Emma and Leighton teaching VictoriaLily and SophieRose to walk... YAY GIRLS! Emma with Sophie

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