Friday, June 19, 2009

It All Starts...

SIMS 3 is out, and I haven't played since ... well... since SIMS 1. I would play it on the PS2 so I didn't get to experience the expansion packs or anything fun like that, and I stopped because I got addicted and figured it was a bad bad thing.

Now I don't care.

I seriously need SIMS Anonymous!

But you can't make me go, cuz I won't.

So here starts the problem..... and here is where I will start the stories of my SIMS. Cuz they are the bomb and demand that their complicated soap opera tales be told!

Since I've been developing my SIMS over the past couple weeks - I'll catch you up on their stories! Some of the photos may be bad at first, like a nob, I didn't know about the handy dandy "screenshot" camera on the game! Can we say DUR!!!

So some of the early shots are ..... not the best quality!


They get better!

I do believe there will be two of us writing in this also ... Me, AKA Rae ... and Genz :) But I still have to talk her into posting!

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