Friday, June 19, 2009

McCaden Family - Chapter 1

(I'm taking a note from Genz and labeling them "chapters" now - great idear there dear)

The McCaden family starts out with Hannah and Phillip McCaden. They moved into a small house in Sunset Valley. Highschool Sweethearts from a tiny farm town they wanted to move to a city, or at least one that was small enough to know most the people in town, but big enough that it had it's own school system. Being bused a half hour was no fun. Hannah inherited the farm and wealth upon the tragic accident of her parents. They were out celebrating their 25th Anniversary and were hit by a drunk driver. Her Dad was killed on impact, but her Mom had hung on for several days before she died due to complications. Being an only child, she got everything. Phillip asked her to marry him on her birthday, and they were married a few months later on Halloween. Very small ceremony, only a few friends and a peppering of distant family. Phillip, being put in foster care at a young age due to his mother losing her life to the fight of drug addiction, had no family either. They clung to each other.

They started out their family ... moving ... being found with some money Hannah trusted Phillip to invest to hopefully make more in the long run, and go from there. What they really wanted to was to work on having babies. After a couple of years, they found they had no luck at all. Hannah went to a doctor hoping for some answers, and was told she would have to start fertility treatments due to some issues she had.

Shortly after, they had triplet girls.... a few years later twins, and then was blessed with another shortly after the twins were born. Hannah likes to call the older girls her Trips, and the younger three her Irish Trips cuz they were 9 months apart, born in the same year.

After the triplets were born they realized they had to get more room. There was no choice in the matter, so they started production on their own house. Personally designed by Hannah and Phillip.

Main Floor
2nd Floor
Notice the room with all windows, that's the work out area.

Phillip has started a drinking habit the last few years. Hannah has noticed it progressively increasing, but hasn't said anything about it. Deep down though, she's gotten a little worried. He spends a lot of time fishing, which she knows that he loves, and she fully supports that.

Hannah has become a best selling author. She's written 4 books, and is almost finished with her fifth.
The older triplets are amazing. Each one has their own style but they are so much a like too. They are great in school, and love showing their smarts when it comes to telling Mom and Dad about everything they don't know, so they thing anyway.

LilleighBella, EllyannaRae, and KaetlynLea
The twins, LiamPatrick and LoganMichael are learning new stuff every day. They are on the verge of walking and talking and being potty trained. Mom & Dad's favorite time of the day is when they get to sit down and read tot he boys.
LiamPatrick (above) and LoganMichael (below)
Then there is the baby of the family (so far) ... little MollyMorgan. She is always so bright eyed and taking EVERYTHING in. Hannah can just watch her and her heart melts.

Stay tuned to find out how this family grows ...

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