Friday, June 19, 2009

Chapter 1: The Tale of Raelyn & Dante

(As a pre-cursor I have to explain, for some reason when I loaded my software, Riverview didn't load right. There was no school in the town, so we reloaded it and I transferred the family to the "new" Riverview - in doing so, apparently a lot of the paintings the family did - came out with big question marks instead of what it had been. So I'll have to get rid of them and start over with that. Howver I didn't notice it until I had taken the photos.)

Dante D'Ambrosio is Italian, his wife Raelyn is Irish... the both have other stuff mixed in of course, but that is the biggest chunks. Dante and Raelyn met, of call places - online. Raelyn was afraid that he wouldn't really want her, and she put all of her sorid past out there, on how she dated this guy in highschool, and found out at the age of 15 that she was pregnant, the father of her twin boys wanted nothing to do with them, and she hadn't heard from him since she was pregnant. Raising the boys as a single mom hadn't been easy, but she thought she had done a good job. He didn't care though, he loved kids and was excited to be a Dad to a couple of little boys. They had moved into a small house, and he became "Daddy" to her boys.

Raelyn' all about reading, writing and nature. She loves her garden, the beautiful enviorment, and getting her hands dirty in the Earth, to not only provide fresh food for her family, but to also contribute to the better-ness of the World. Raelyn is a very natural girl. She'll get down and dirty, she'll even fish, if she has to.

Dante is a gamer, he loves his comptuer and if he could, he'd game and drive. Since it wouldn't be a good idea, he doesn't. Being the gamer he is he got an idea for a game, and developed it, took it to some companies, and made a ton of money. After the first one, he ended up doing a few more. He has his silly side, his childish side, but he can be very serious too. He also loves nature and working in the garden with his wife. He loves to jump in the pool with his kids, and go fishing. Since neither he nor Raelyn need to work, they get to focus on their family. Raelyn wants to write though, and he has been encouraging her ....

... between slapping his butt while running through the garden sprinklers anyway...

Their oldest children, legally adopted by Dante, twins Braxton Dante and Brayden Gio are in highschool. Braxton is the brains, Brayden the brawn. Brax thrives in school and does very well. He's a 4.0 student and is pushing his way to be Valedictorian of their class. Brayden however is struggling. Braxton helps him to an extent, but he gets frustrated, won't even do homework next to him since he thinks that his brother is going to copy the answers he's put down. Braxton is just as competitive in academics as Brayden is on the game fields.

Many many years later, after Dante made all his money with his games, they talked about having more kids. Raelyn had put the thought of ever having more kids out of her head after the pregnancy with the boys, let's face it, being a teenager and pregnant isn't easy.. and it had just never returned. The thought of having more babies grew from a tiny seed to a hot ball of want. They were still young enough.

They had built this great house in a nice small town where everyone knows everyone. The boys were going to a great school, and she was starting to think about sitting down and trying to write a book when she got the flu. Well, she thought it was the flu. Several weeks later she went to the doctor, and taking some tests to check her blood for various things, the doctor came back in with a half cocked grin on his face and said that it wasn't the flu, but a longer lasting bug... something like a parasite. Confused, her heart sank, and she thought she was seriously sick. When the doctor broke out into a full smile and said "Raelyn, stop fretting, it'll go away in 9 months!" She burst into tears.

Several months later they did an ultrasound, and much to Raelyn's shock and horror, followed immediately by ecstatic joy, it was announced there were two heartbeats.

A few months later, Mia Rae and Molly Rain joined their family. Now they are toddlers walking and talking up a storm. Just over two they are potty training too. Before we know it, they'll be heading off to grade school!

Mommy holding Molly, with Mia playing on the floor.
Mia loves to hide in the toy box and pop out trying to scare everyone. She'll peek and peek and peek and then suddenly POP out!

Much to their surprise, they found out yet again that they were pregnant. This time once the nausea and drag you down tiredness hit her, she sorta new. So she got a home pregnancy test, took and cried in the bathroom when the two pink lines showed up. She waited a few days until everything was perfect and slapped on a coupld of "Big Sister" shirts on the girls, and let them announce it. Their older brothers caught on right away, but Dante pulled a "they aren't big sisters, they are little......." then the light bulb went off. "No," he said. "No way" ... sure enough. Once it was confirmed at the doctor, he was jumping for joy. Like the 5 pregnancy tests she took over the weekend just to prove it to him hadn't been enough. A few weeks later they had an early ultrasound and found out... TWINS AGAIN!!! Two tiny little sacs with fluttering hearts.

They welcomed Max Harrison and Mason Tanner into their family a few months later.

Their house may not look the grandest from the outside, but Dante doesn't want to draw a lot of attention to their wealth. He's not one of those "rub it in your face" type of guys. But once you see the inside, you can just feel it. Not just the wealth of comfort, but the wealth of love that the family holds.
The main floor ....
A: Living Room
B: Library
C: Master Bedroom
D: Master Bathroom
E: Entry Room/Dining Room (all open through to the Library)
F: Hallway
G: Nursery
H: Entertainment Room
I: Garage
J: Downstairs Bathroom
K: Kitchen
L: Work Out Studio
M: Green House

The Nursery has a divider. There is an area for the babysitter (or Nanny) to spend time close to the babies.

The below pic should actually be labled Entry Area/Dining Room, Living Room, Library...

One side and back half of the house
And the other side.... the $3,110 is what Dante was playing for bills... ouch huh?
Raelyn tending to her garden early in the morning while the boys get an early swin before school.
Dad decided to join in of course.
The upstairs ... which actually only covers half the house yet. They have room to expand if they need to.

So what is in store for the D'Ambrosio family? Will they end up with another set of twins if they decide to have more? Especially since the older boys are about to graduate from Highschool and move out on their own. Will Raelyn ever start her dream of writing novels? What will Dante do next? How will the little ones grow up and what kind of trouble will they get into?

Guess we'll just have to see!!

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