Monday, June 22, 2009

The Adventures of Isabella: Chapter 2

Isabella woke up and decided that men like that weren't worth it. He obviously didn't care about her or her feelings. It was time for her to wake up and take charge of her own life. To have fun and let her hair down, but to figure out what she wanted to do and who she wanted to be in this new life of hers. So she sat down and started to study.

Then she got up and started painting. She was painting up a storm when she happened to see her neighbors outside walking down the street.
So she ran to get dressed, knowing that new friendships in her new life was going to be a must, and she really liked Emma. She thought they could be best friends. She never really had a true best friend, for just who she was. It had always been someone connected to the business or the industry of some sort. While she was getting dressed and doing her hair - she realized that when she didn't have done up, how long and pretty it was getting. She knew a lot of her hair style had to do with her actor life style, and decided after today, maybe it was time to leave it down and straight - more simple, and more of what she wanted her life to be now. But she finished up quick, since she had already started, and ran out the door.

She caught up with Dexter first and asked him how his job hunting was going, and he just gushed over how beautiful she looked.
Then he leaned in real close and whispered "I figured out where I know you from," he looking into her eyes. "You are Stefinea from Hope Returns." All she could do was look at him shocked. How did he find out? How did he... then she did what she had always been trained to do. "I get that all the time," she told him. "But it's not me." Thank goodness she never used her real name while acting. Much to her relief Emma walked up. "Hey Emma," she said. They started to talk about all sorts of things. Emma told her how she was in the process of adopting a baby and Isabella told her how she hoped to someday soon become a mom too. But she wanted to find the right man.
Then they started to talk about all sorts of other stuff. After awhile of standing in the street, Isabella asked Emma if she wanted to come over, and included Dexter to not be rude. Emma said she would, but she had to run to the library real quick, and said she'd be over in a half hour.
Dexter of course jumped on the opportunity. So Isabella let him in.
The went in back and sat and her bar for a little while and talked about this and that. She asked him about his career again since she had never gotten an answer and he told her that he had his hand in something, but wouldn't tell her what. She asked about his relationship with Emma, and he said they were just room mates, for the most part. He thought she had feelings for him, but he didn't have feelings for anyone but Isabella.

Ewwwwwwwww she thought. Dexter creeped her out. Just then she started to feel really funny. Like she was going to pass out. So she told Dexter she wasn't feeling well, and asked him to leave. She got up, and ran to the bathroom. After being sick she walked into her room, and to her shock, found Dexter there.
Before she could even ask him what he was doing there, she passed out.
So he picked her up. Put her in the bed ....
and .....
When she came to, she was in bed, naked next to Dexter and she could only imagine what happened. She got up and got dressed and accused him of taking advantage of her. He of course denied it and said it had been all her idea, after all, why had she invited him over.
She told him to leave, or she'd call the cops. He told her that wouldn't be a good idea at all, considering the people he knew and worked with, but he turned around and left.

Just then her doorbell rang and so she went to answer it, hoping Dexter had truly left. She found Hunter at her front door, to her surprise.
He was looking all great, he said he had just come from the gym. He wanted to stop by and say Hi. He had been thinking a lot about her and wanted to know if they could hang out. She said yes, of course. So then he said goodnight to her, and went home.

Isabella was still upset, and sick at what had just happened with Dexter, but she had butterflies about Hunter. The confliction of feelings was making her even more sick and unable to sleep. So she swam in her pool...
And worked out in the back room....
Then studied until the sun came up.
She still felt sick, she was pretty sure that Dexter had slipped her something. The sun, as it came up, was hurting her eyes and her stomach was still churning ... worst of all, she still felt fuzzy. Not knowing who else to turn to, given Emma lived with Dexter, she called Hunter.
He came right over... They hung out all day just talking. She told him what happened with Dexter and cried on his shoulder. He comforted her, and held her as she let it all out. She realized, she felt so at ease with Hunter, so comfortable and safe. It was nice. It was calming. She realized she had never felt like that with anyone before. Maybe trying so hard that first night was pushing it. She realized she had been desprite for companionship, and look what that got her. Ditched by Leighton, and assulted by Dexter. Worst of all, all three of them were here neighbors. Hunter right across the street from her, Leighton across her yard and the street, and Dexter right next door to her with Emma. Ah, Emma. She needed to talk to Emma. Not today though, not today.

Hunter got up to use the bathroom and came back, when he did, he asked Isabella sweetly, if he could kiss her.
She said yes. The sparks flew and fire ignited with in both of them, and pretty soon they found themselves in the guest bedroom.
They cuddled in bed for awhile and just talked about anything that came to mind. He told her he wanted to take up fishing, and gardening, and she told him that she dreamed of having a big garden herself, and she wouldn't mind fishing. He told her he wanted to join the police force, and she smiled, told him guys in uniform were hot stuff. Then he said "let's get up and do something" so they went outside and tossed the football around.
After playing for awhile, getting all hot ans sweaty, they pulled her into his arms.. and he told her that he thought he was falling in love with her.
She asked him if he wanted to spend the night, and he did ...
They ended up making love all night long
When they weren't, they were talking about futures and where they saw themselves.

When they got up the next morning, he asked her, if she would please be his girlfriend. She of course, said yes - because she was falling for him hard. Doing nothing but thinking about him.

He went home for awhile, and late that evening, she decided to go over and see him. When she got in there, he blurted out ... "Since you and I are getting along so well, and involved now, do you want to move in together?"So they packed up his stuff, and he moved in.

They spent hours, just talking. Getting to know each other, loving each other, and falling hard and fast for each other.
One morning when she got up, she blurted out that she loved him, his excitement showed...

Then he said "Isabella, I have been in love with you for awhile now. I love you so very much. I'm so happy that you found me. That first night," he laughed. "I was so thrown out of sorts by your wanting to take care of me. It just threw me off. But it made me think about you, a lot."
"Hunter," she smiled. "I love living in this house with you, but I think we need to start thinking about moving. Finding a bigger house, someplace that is just ours."
So she called a friend of her's who sold houses, and asked her to start looking for some land, and a couple of contracters. She wanted to build her own house.

Then while they were hard at work, she started to paint.
Hunter came out and grabbed her, kissing her the way they do in movies, that left her toes curled.

Then he started to make her some Apple Pancakes..

After breakfast, he stood beside her listening to her chatter on...
Then all of a sudden he got down on one knee.....
"Isabella," he said. "Will you please grant me the honor, the privledge, the hope - of becoming my wife. Of loving me forever as I will love you. Of being my best friend. Of making our dreams come true."
"I love you Hunter"
"I love you Bella"
"Now," she said. "Before we take a step further in our lives, I'm rich," she told him about her past and how she had been a child actress. She told him she didn't tell him earlier because she wanted to find someone who loved her for her before telling them. He clearly loved her for her.... "and I need your help designing our house."

Stay tuned for Chapter 3..... how will Leighton and Dexter react to the news of Isabella and Hunter getting married? Is anything going on between Dexter and Emma? Will Isabella and Hunter get a house built? Will they get married? Will Isabella end up pregnant from Dexter taking advantage of her?


  1. Hi, I'm visiting from Follow Me Club. Great blog.

  2. Oh noes!! Your a Simmer too?? :D I have been a horrid Sims addict since Sims 1 and you can see some of my Sims 2 handywork on

    I still have really mixed emotions about Sims 3, on one hand I can't believe I don't have it yet, on the other hand I'm just trying to learn how to live my OWN life at the moment. I can guarantee that I will be reading your blog to see all the new shiny Sims 3 stuff!

    If my resistance crumbles, at least my birthday is in October! :D
